5 Measures to Enhance Home Security

April 9, 2022 3 mins to read

With the increase in illicit activities happening around, it becomes vital for everyone to take extra care of things that matter the most to you. The well-being of your family and the place where you dwell in would undoubtedly be the top on the list.

Following are the measures which will indubitably help in enhancing the safety of your home and consequently, strengthening the protection of your loved ones:

1) Boasting on Social Media is a big NO!

While you are on a vacation or going out on an official trip or visiting a relative, you tend to post the same on social media in form of departures, check-ins, or pictures of the new locations. This should be avoided as it will attract and update the burglars about your recent activities. If you are really enthusiastic to talk about your trip, you may post the images after coming back home.

2) Never, Ever

Most of us have a habit of leaving a message on the voicemail informing the person on the other side about the reason for not being able to attend the call, for instance, ‘Away on vacation’, ‘Will be back in four days’, and so on. Never disclose for how long you are out or away from your home. Keep your messages simple and generic for every situation, such as ‘Hello! Thanks for calling. Will get back to you as soon as possible’, ‘Hey there! I’m occupied with something right now. Will call back soon’, and likewise.

Moreover, don’t even think of hiding your house keys under the doormat or in other obvious places. Intruders are smart enough and they already have the idea of all such places.

3) Eyes and Ears for your home: Security System

Technology has not only made our life simpler, but secured as well. If you live alone or stay in an isolated area, it is recommended that you should position a surveillance system (indoor security cameras and weatherproof outdoor surveillance cameras) at your home to ensure enhanced security. These gadgets are one of the best devices to monitor everything that is happening in and around your premises when you are at home or even when you are away from home.

4) Fencing the periphery

To restrict the entry and hence, make your abode more secured, you may go for the fencing option too. It is one of the most facile yet the strongest way to shield your dwelling. Various kinds of fences namely PVC, Wood, Bamboo, etc., are available in the market from which you can hand-pick the one as per your requirements.

5) Seal them to conceal things

The window shades are capable enough to conceal the whereabouts of inside. Windows with drapes or shades would certainly block outsiders to have any glimpse of inside. Also, be extra cautious and make sure to lock all your windows properly before leaving the house as the unsealed ones would offer quite a good welcome to the burglars.

Just implement these measures and reap the benefits of deepened security of your home!