How to Set Up a Projector for a Meeting

July 30, 2019 3 mins to read

When you’re giving a presentation, showing off your work or highlighting a topic within the workplace, there are a number of tools at your disposal to get the very best response. Those range from the classic flip chart all the way to interactive tables, but there’s no more useful a tool than the projector.

They help us share our thoughts with rooms full of people, and are an invaluable business tool, but not if they aren’t set up correctly. Incorrectly set up projectors can mean blurry images, unreadable text and stretched video. So, in this short guide we’re going to share with you the essentials of setting up your projector for a meeting.

1. Find your location

Your first step is figuring out the best location for your projector, you need enough space for the projection itself (which can go on either a wall or dedicated screen). Depending on how large you want your image to be, set it closer (smaller image) or further (larger image) away from the wall. Use a table as your stand for your projector and experiment with distances.

You’ll also want to ensure the height of your projector is correct. Most projectors are designed so that the lens is set above the bottom edge of the projection, so have the projector just lower than where you want the final image to appear.

2. Plug it in and turn it on

Plug your projector in and connect it to the source (that’ll be your laptop, tablet or smartphone). Then switch your projector on.

3. Calibrate your image

An image should now appear on the surface of your choice. Find a calibration image online and adjust the picture using the controls on top of your projector until you’ve got a perfectly rectangular (or 4:3) image that’s in focus. If you don’t know how to use the controls on the top of your projector, consult your manual for a guide.

4. Select your picture mode

Most projectors have a number of modes. If you’re in a dark room, a mode like ‘Cinema’ or ‘Movie’ will work just fine. If you’re in a room with ambient light, however, you need a brighter image, your projector should have a mode for that. It’s worth noting though that these modes typically skew green, which isn’t ideal for presenting graphic design work.

5. Turn down the lights and get ready to present

The best image quality will be found if you make the room as dark as possible. Good luck!