LCD Enclosures – Intricacies of Outdoor Digital Signage Protection

July 30, 2019 3 mins to read

LCD enclosures, commonly used for outdoor digital signage protection, are an increasingly popular solution. LCD enclosures permit standard screen use outdoors, and are often manufactured from steel to provide ruggedness; however, it’s a common misconception that these outdoor digital signage enclosures are just waterproof boxes, but far more goes into the manufacture of an LCD enclosure than just weatherization.

While waterproofing is essential for the safe and continued operation of an outdoor screen, other outdoor elements are equally as damaging, and protecting a TV screen from the weather is not as easy as people think:

Air Flow

Producing a waterproof LCD enclosure means sealing the device so no rainfall can get inside; however, by doing this you generate other problems-condensation and heat build-up. All screens generate heat and this needs a place to escape otherwise the screen can overheat; an overheating screen will soon fail and can lead to permanent failure. Furthermore, without airflow running through the LCD enclosure any moisture trapped inside, even small amounts can cause misting up of the screen.

Of course, placing an air vent in the LCD cabinet could lead to rain getting inside, so methods need devising of providing access for heat to escape, and to allow airflow throughout the enclosure.

Placing the air-vent beneath the LCD is a common solution to this, however, in torrential rain, splashing of water can mean it can permeate inside this way, so use of baffled chambers and one way venting systems are better solutions.


All TV screens are built with an optimum temperature range. We’ve already discussed the problem of overheating, which can disable a screen, but equally, temperatures that are too cold can also cause failure.

Maintaining a steady environment inside the LCD enclosure is also a challenge as so many different variables affect the temperature. The screen itself, as previously discussed, acts a heat source, which is one factor, but ambient temperature too, affects the internal temperature inside the enclosure.

Some locations, therefore, require additional cooling systems and even air-conditioning for when temperatures get too hot. In other locales, where temperatures plummet below zero, heaters have to be installed inside the LCD enclosure to prevent any internal freezing. And in some areas, both extremes of high and low temperatures are faced during seasonal variations so installation of both heaters and cooling systems are required.


They also need to protect the enclosed TV screen from impacts. Outdoor digital signage systems are vulnerable to vandalism and accidents, both of which could disable a screen permanently. Physical protection is a necessity for an LCD enclosure and there are two aspects to it.

They are usually manufactured from steel, which provides an impenetrable barrier protecting most of the display; however, the most vulnerable aspect to an outdoor digital signage system is the screen face. Shatterproof screens are a necessity as glass or materials that are more vulnerable will smash or shatter, not only disabling the screen but also causing a hazard to the general public.

LCD enclosures are a cost-effective and comprehensive form of protecting outdoor digital signage that is engineered to a far higher level than first impressions indicate.