Some Disadvantages Provided by an Overhead Projector

July 30, 2019 2 mins to read

Besides giving advantages, an overhead projector also gives disadvantages for you because this unit also needs more maintenance and anything to keep it to work properly for your needs. The information about the disadvantages will help you to know more so you can maintain it very well and you can prepare your budget to handle some problems related to this unit.

1. Resolution Problem. This kind of problem commonly happens when using this unit for your needs. It means that it must be made to be e at the perfect distance and angle so the audience is able to see the images clearly. If it happens simultaneously, it will increase the chances of the inability to read slides which could be distracting to observers. In this case, you can be sure that this unit is suitable for you or not.

2. Cost to Replace Bulbs. The replacement of bulbs is really important if you would like to support the functions of this unit for your needs. In this case, you must know that those bulbs are expensive so the cost of replacement is really higher. In this case, you must prepare the budget very well so you can do it very well.

3. Transportation. This kind of matter is also another disadvantage provided by this unit. Because the large size given, it will need the use of a cart to transport from venue to venue so it will be a hard problem for you. In fact, you can bring it with your hands, but it is too heavy to handle so it is important for you to use a cart in the process of transportation.

4. Outdated Technology. It is the next disadvantage given by this unit. Today, more presentations are done with the use of PowerPoint program because it is easy to create and does not need more cost.