Using a LCD Advertising Display to Promote Your Retail Business

July 30, 2019 3 mins to read

Digital advertising is one of the quickest growing industries and has not been damaged by the recession. Why? That’s because every company no matter big or small need to advertise their products or services to increase sales. And comparing to traditional advertising such as printed posters and banners, digital advertising has many advantages including enhanced customer experience, better service and brand awareness.

This digital advertising format using a form of electrical display that displays video, graphics, RSS… to attract potential customers’ attention and to have a direct influence on them for the displayed brand or products, we call it digital signage.

There are two main types digital signage in general: outdoor digital signage and indoor digital signage. Outdoor digital signage can be seen along our high streets, trunk roads and even on office buildings out walls. While indoor digital signage is widely used at retail points, health center and waiting rooms of public places.

How digital signage can help your business?

One of the most important advantages of using digital display is creating brand awareness and influence consumer behavior, and enhances the customers’ experience again and again; as a result it brings a great return on investment for advertisers.

Another advantage of using digital advertising is that it brings more promotion opportunities for your business. Unlike static banners or posters, digital signage displays can provide more informative content and interactive messages. With the digital signage system, you can manage and update the content that is shown on your digital display remotely and timely.

And digital advertising display can trigger consumers’ impulse buying by exposing promotional messages at the right place and at the right time at the retail points like supermarkets, restaurants and shopping malls where consumers make their buying decisions. So it promotes the sales of the advertised products immediately.

What effective and cost saving device we can use as digital signage?

The most common type of digital signage that you can use is a LCD advertising display, which is a LCD display with a built-in media player and hosts the ads locally on a SD card or CF card, in a lockable, safe partition.

The purpose of using LCD displays for advertising is to attract customers’ attention with the real time information and display. It is a great exposure for both the company brands and products. You may have seen them installed at shelf edge in stores or mount on wall offering the latest discounts info and the advantage on products and prices compared to other competitors. Sometimes the advertising screens provide demonstrations to show customers what great function and features the product is and how simple to use it.

And there are some great features of a LCD advertising display you can benefit from:

Some LCD advertising monitors are with a built-in motion sensor that can activate the LCD displays to play automatically as it detects an approaching viewer. And it turns off after a few seconds the viewer left to save power.

There is a timer function with an advertising player that allow you to set the player to power on / off at a pre set time. It is wonderful to automatically power on when the store is about to open and power off when the shop is closed.

And when want to change the advertisements content in the ad player, it is also quite simple. The advertisements content in the player can be updated via a USB flash drive easily.

With all the great features of LCD advertising displays, it gets your advertisements noticed and promotes your business.