Wireless Cameras Mysteries: Waterproof Or Weatherproof?

May 28, 2023 5 mins to read

When it comes to choosing wireless cameras, chances are you will likely prefer one that can resist many situations. Therefore, you may be inquisitive about the ones that are ‘waterproof.’ But you could be confused because there are also those that are ‘weatherproof.’ This article is going to divulge to you the best way to determine how resistant wireless cameras are to varied elements. This is critical since you aren’t certain to be willing to spend your hard-earned cash to get something that won’t last.

With the intention of determining how waterproof or weatherproof wireless cameras are, you will need to take a detailed look at its IP number. This IP stands for Ingress Protection. In most cases, this IP number is composed of two to 3 digits that indicate how well a specific camera can handle mechanical, solid objects, and liquid impacts.

Generally the first digit of the IP rating represent how resistant the camera is to solid objects like dust or insects. If the figure is four, this indicates that the camera is kind of proof against foreign materials measuring 1 square mm. If it is 5, it suggests that the camera is significantly immune to dust while a number of six represents the camera is totally proof against dust.

The second digit of the IP rating, in comparison, tries to tell you how proof against water the camera is. A figure of 4 represents that the camera is resistant to water splashes, numerous five represents the camera is resistant to hose, 6 means impervious to pressure hose, seven means the camera can handle water immersion — in a small amount — and 8 means you can take your camera down to 2 meters under the water with you.

Let’s begin with mechanical impacts. A camera that will stand up to mechanical impacts will usually have its IP number starting with the letter K followed by two digits of numbers. In most cases, you will not be able to find it in the camera manufacturer’s lists. These numbers can range all the way from 00 to 10.

If the numbers you see on your camera are zero and one — meaning it’s a 01 rating — you can feel sure enough that an object weighing two hundred grams falling from 7.5 cm above your camera will not do any harm to your camera. In addition to that, if your camera LED is rated 10, it won’t be damaged if there’s an object weighing five kg fall down from forty cm above you.

Let’s move on to how solid objects may harm your camera. In order to decide if your camera is indeed ready to stand impacts coming from solid objects, you’ll have to be aware of the 1st digit of your camera IP rating. This digit can usually ranges from zero up to six. If the digit is one, for example, your camera may not be damaged if you make a gentle contact with your hand. A bunch of 6, in comparison, will not be exposed to any categories of dust.

The very next thing is liquid impacts. To find out how invulnerable or vulnerable your camera is to liquid, you need to check the second digit of your camera IP rating. In most cases, this ranges from 0 up to seven. If your camera has an one then it is invulnerable to dripping water. But if your camera LED, as an example, has a rank of seven here, you can take it deeper than 1 meter under the water without worrying about damage.

Hence as an example, if you’ve got a camera with IP rating of IP66K10, this implies:

– Your camera is invulnerable to dust.

– It can handle continued pressure that exists under the water deeper than 1 meter.

– it will not be spoiled by an object weighing five kg falling from 40 cm above you.

You may be asking when you need either a water-proof or a weather resistant rating when it comes to wireless cameras. Manifestly, a waterproof rating will generally be required if you do underwater diving, for instance. In that kind of case, the average cameras won’t do the job. The weatherproof rating, on the other hand, will sometimes be needed if you have to monitor an area where the conditions are intense. For instance, if you need to observe a desert area there is regularly masses of dust everywhere. Therefore, you have to have wireless cameras with a good weather-proof rating.

Before you buy wireless cameras follow these steps: one. Glance at the first digit of the IP rating, is it adequate for you? Are you going to use your camera in an area where dust is everywhere? 2. Pay attention to the second digit of the IP rating. Do you actually think you want a water resistant camera that you can use 2 meters under the water? three. Open the location of the big search engines, for example Google, and enter such keywords as “water-proof wireless cameras” or “weather resistant security camera”. 4. Simply select a web store that appears to have the most collection of water resistant and weatherproof video security cameras available.