Wireless Network Security

October 24, 2022 2 mins to read

Have you ever wondered how you can protect your home from intruders? There are various wireless network security gadgets installed in homes. But how safe really are you when at home? Here are six steps to ensure security in your home using wireless network security gadgets.

First, you should change the system’s identification. Security devices come with a default system ID called the Service Set Identifier. Hackers will find it easy to learn the default identifier of each manufacturer, so it is safer for you to change it. Use something unfamiliar. Avoid using your name or other codes that are easily identified.

Second, you should disable the identifier broadcasting. You need not announce that you have wireless connection since this will be enticing to hackers. Check your manual to learn how to disable broadcasting.

Third, it is important to enable encryption. The Wired Equivalent Privacy and the Wi-Fi Protected Access have the ability to encrypt data so that only the intended recipient can read it.

Fourth, you must restrict unnecessary traffic. A lot of wireless routers have their own built-in firewalls. Read the manual of the hardware and find out how to reconfigure your router so that only your approved incoming and outgoing traffic can be allowed.

Fifth, change the default password of the administrator. Since this password can easily be obtained and many people do not go to trouble of changing it, the system falls prey to a lot of hackers. Be sure to change the password to something that cannot easily be guessed.

Lastly, patch and protect your personal computers. You must have a personal firewall and anti-virus software installed on your computers. Be sure to always keep them up to date. Also, keep updates of famous security vulnerabilities.

Keep these things in mind to protect you and your family while inside your home.